ON World

Wireless Internet of Things Market Research (Datasets, Forecasts)

Customized market size forecasts

Format: Excel

Wireless Sensor Networks Markets

802.15.4, Bluetooth Low Energy, WiFi, Others

802.15.4 Markets

Zigbee, Thread, Wi-SUN, Other 802.15.4

Bluetooth Low Energy IoT Markets

Bluetooth 4.0 and above

ON World's Differentiators:

* Decades of industry experience
* Primary research investigation
* Technology expertise
* Actionable data
* Customized to your needs


Our datasets are available and customizable to your specific needs.


ON World has been providing market research and strategic business intelligence on the IoT and low power wireless markets for the past two decades. Based on thousands of surveys/interviews with individuals across the whole value chain including end users, vendors and suppliers, this research service provides extensive market size forecasts on low power wireless chipsets and drop-in modules.

Your customized data includes 6-year market size forecasts for annual chipsets/modules and equipment revenues with breakdowns by market. Optional forecast breakdowns include units/revenues by application, design type (e.g. chipsets vs modules), protocol (e.g. Zigbee, Thread, BLE, WiFi) and/or geography.

About ON World:
ON World provides business intelligence on Internet of Things markets. Since 2003, our market research has been used by Fortune 1000 companies, investors and IoT developers worldwide.